OGMA Camera immediately disconnects with a "Could not start pull mode" error

Issue #1310 resolved
Michael Wagner created an issue

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Camera is an Ogma AP26MC Monochrome


Sometimes when connecting my OGMA AP26MC, it connects, then immediately disconnects, and shows a notification "Could not start pull mode. This seems to happen if either something else connects before the camera, or I attempt to “connect all”

Camera is plugged into a Pegasus Power box Advance gen 1, one of the normal USB2/3 ports, not the usb3 only port. 12 volt power comes from the same.

If I connect the camera first then connect everything else the error does not seem to happen

Once error happens the only way to resolve is to close NINA. in 2 cases I have had to restart the computer.

Computer is a Mele Quieter 3 running windows 11

Steps to Reproduce

  • connect camera - error will happen if multiple items are connecting (Connect all) - this throws the “Cannot open pull mode” toast / notification
  • Disturbing something on the USB bus - Plug in a flat panel for USB power only, caused the camera to error and not pull images (Cannot pull image) This happened while trying tp run the flats wizard, the flats would say they are exposing, but then the camera would throw an error for downloading the image.
  • Unplugged a disconnected guide cam from the OGMA USB hub, caused the pull errors
  • Connect the camera as the first thing - Error does not seem to happen.

Log has an example of both errors

Expected behaviour

Camera should work

Actual behaviour

Comments (10)

  1. Stefan B repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Hi - have you reached out to OGMA about it? N.I.N.A. just queries the SDK to start the pull mode but when it fails it will stop connecting as it cannot proceed any further. I see no way on the N.I.N.A. side to get around this problem.

  2. Michael Wagner reporter

    I did, the owner Juan responded and suggested I open a bug here. I am not sure who can actually fix this, as like you i suspected it might be part o the SDK but was not sure how to get that .

    Would you think this is a software problem or a hardware problem? I tried searching for similar issues but came up empty. Most similar connectivity issues had been resolved with a update to Nina and the SDK

    Is there a newer version of the SDK I can get or install?

  3. Michael Wagner reporter

    actually just doing a quick check - the version of the toupcam dll included in PHD guiding is from february, where the version included in NINA is from september of last year. Also found this https://www.touptek-astro.com/downloads/

    is it safe to sub in the DLL form PHD 2 and give that a go? Seems like a small point release with update DLL’s for NINA might not be bad too, I can check 3.1 and see what version it has


  4. Stefan B repo owner

    This dll is for Touptek cameras. OGMA is using a separate SDK for it. Are you selecting the correct driver under “OGMA” category? if not that would explain the failure to activate pull mode.

  5. Michael Wagner reporter

    i am using the OGMA camera selection in NINA. the Ogma SDK looked like a wrapper for the Touptek camera which is why I mentioned it, since it was wrapping the ToupTekAlike code.

    I assumed that since these are all touptek camera’s they all just used the same SDK?

  6. Michael Wagner reporter

    OK, I did email Juan at Ogma to see if there is a newer release of the dll i can get a hold of.

  7. Michael Wagner reporter

    I have tried a couple thing to repro this issue but have not been able to. Looks like a gremlin. Possibly due to some other piece of equipment I changed a cable out on or removed from my usb hub (My polemaster camera, using NINA 3 point alignment instead now)

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