Error message with ASCOM driver IPX800

Issue #1315 resolved
Fred M created an issue


When I try to configure my switch IPX800 I get an error message (see attchment)

Steps to Reproduce

  • Select “Equipment” menu
  • Select “Switch” submenu
  • Choose “IPX800 switch” device
  • Clic on setting button

Expected behaviour

The setting view of the IPX800 device appears

Actual behaviour

A popup error appears (see attachment)

Comments (25)

  1. Fred M reporter

    Hi Stefan,

    Thanks for your reply.

    Please find in attachment le log about the IPX800 with the ASCOM conformance checker

    Best Regards

  2. Stefan B repo owner

    Ok thank you. Looks like it runs fine. Unfortunately I’m not sure why it is not able to connect via N.I.N.A. to your driver, as this is an internal error inside the ascom framework.

  3. Stefan B repo owner

    Can you share one of the nina logs where this error happens, just in case there is more info available?

  4. Fred M reporter

    OK no problem:

    System.TypeLoadException: Creating an instance of the COM component with CLSID {A1A13862-AA94-48B9-BF6F-447F1C2AFD8D} from the IClassFactory failed due to the following error: 80131522 Could not find or load a type. (0x80131522).
    at System.RuntimeTypeHandle.AllocateComObject(Void* pClassFactory)
    at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceDefaultCtor(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean wrapExceptions)
    at ASCOM.Com.DriverAccess.DynamicAccess..ctor(String ProgID)
    at ASCOM.Com.DriverAccess.ASCOMDevice..ctor(String progid)
    at ASCOM.Com.DriverAccess.Switch..ctor(String ProgID)
    at NINA.Equipment.Equipment.MySwitch.Ascom.AscomSwitchHub.GetInstance() in C:\Projects\nina\NINA.Equipment\Equipment\MySwitch\Ascom\AscomSwitchHub.cs:line 81
    at NINA.Equipment.Equipment.AscomDevice`1.SetupDialog() in C:\Projects\nina\NINA.Equipment\Equipment\AscomDevice.cs:line 259

  5. Stefan B repo owner

    Ok thank you. yea nothing really to fix on NINA side there. it seems like the ascom driver is missing a library it depends on.

  6. Fred M reporter

    May be I need to see with the driver IPX800 developer ?

    For now I keep the NINA version 2.3.1.

    Unfortunatly I used the Hocusfocus plugin but it doesn’t exist on this version. Too bad !

    Anyhow, thanks for your help

  7. Stefan B repo owner

    Yea it could be some dependency that is inside the Global Assembly Cache - but this construct is no longer available in the new .net versions going forward.

  8. Fred M reporter
      <div class="preview-container wiki-content"><!-- loaded via ajax --></div>
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  9. Stefan B repo owner

    It could be a clash of dependencies. looking at that ascom driver there are quite a few assemblies that it pulls in that nina is also using, which could result in a conflict. Hard to tell from the stack trace though, as these issues are difficult to analyse.

  10. Fred M reporter

    OK I just install optec ascom server and now I’m able to open the IPX800 properties without issue

    I can’t try to connect the IPX800 because actualy I’m on holliday but it seems an interesting solution !

    I test in one week

    Many thanks !

  11. Stefan B repo owner

    Great. Please keep me updated if it works with the actual device. I will also add this tip to a troubleshooting page of our documentation.

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