Cooling with Minimum cool time setting stops at a certain temperature

Issue #138 resolved
Yannick Dutertre created an issue


When cooling the camera without a minimum cooling time, everything works fine. However, with a minimum cooling time, the camera will cool to some extent, and then stagnate at a given cooling level before reaching the target.

Steps to Reproduce - Connect camera (tested with ASI294MC Pro, native drivers) - Set target temperature (I put -10) - Set minimum cooling time (I set 5 minutes) - Click the start cooling button

Reproduced twice, will do some further tests and get logs to attach to the case.

Expected behaviour - Camera cools progressively to target temperature, then stays there indefinitely

Actual behaviour - Camera cooled progressively to -3, then stayed there indefinitely

Comments (3)

  1. Dwayne Maxwell

    I experience the same exact thing with my ASI1600MM-Pro both native and ascom drivers. my work around is to just set temperature and leave time at 0 and the camera driver will drive it down to what it needs to be, any messing about beyond that seems to make it get stuck at whatever temp it decides to stick at and it stays there.

  2. Stefan B repo owner

    Hi Guys,

    I have looked into this issue and found the problem. The next release candidate will have this fixed!

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