Max Binning reported 0 with ASI Driver on ASI120MM

Issue #146 resolved
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stumbled into this : conecting ASI 120MM with native driver max binning x and y are shown as 0. Connecting the same camera using the ASCOM driver shows the correct value of 2.

Comments (2)

  1. Francesco Agosti

    ASICamera.cs, public short MaxBinX { get { return (short)GetControlMaxValue(ASICameraDll.ASI_CONTROL_TYPE.ASI_HARDWARE_BIN); } } Actually receives 0 from the driver call

    The constant might be wrong since in other places has been commented out i.e. : public short BinY { get { return bin; //return (short)GetControlValue(ASICameraDll.ASI_CONTROL_TYPE.ASI_HARDWARE_BIN); }

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