Cannot add PlateSolve2 folder to NINA

Issue #157 resolved
Sebastian Donoso created an issue

I have tried to add PlateSolve2 folder to NINA (in the PlateSolve2 section) and I get an error that says "folder does not exist".

I was able to add the Sky Atlas folder just fine but for some reason it doesn't recognize the location of the PlateSolve2 folder.

I am using the last version of NINA by the way (1.8).

Any help is greatly appreciated!


Comments (10)

  1. Stefan B repo owner


    you need to point to the platesolve2.exe and not only to the folder.

    Regards, Stefan

  2. Sebastian Donoso reporter

    Hi Stefan,

    Thanks for the quick reply.

    Are you saying that I should open the folder and highlight the items within it?

    Thanks again,


  3. Sebastian Donoso reporter

    Hi Stanley,

    Thanks for the reply.

    What you suggested is exactly what I think I am doing but obviously either I am not doing it correctly or there is something wrong with the folder...

    Maybe the format is different from .exe?

    I will try again.



  4. Stanley Dimant

    2019-04-08 21_54_04-Window.png

    You have to press on (1) which opens the window (2) where you have to navigate to your PlateSolve 2 folder and select the PlateSolve2.exe and press (3) [Open]

    I hope that helps

  5. Sebastian Donoso reporter


    That helps a lot and it explains the issue.

    I only see the folder UCAC3PS but not the folder underneath that (PlateSolve2.exe).

    I am not sure where I made a mistake in the process of downloading, but I will go back and check.

    Any comments are welcomed.



  6. Sebastian Donoso reporter

    Lol! That’s what happens when you have two small kids and don’t get enough sleep.

    Thanks a million for your help!


  7. Sebastian Donoso reporter

    Hi guys,

    Unfortunately, I keep having issues with NINA accessing the PlateSolve2 folder. I noticed that my folder’s name is PlateSolve2 and not PlateSolve2.exe

    Does it matter whether the file name contains .exe?

    Last night I attempted plate solving for the first time (weather has been really bad) and I followed all of the steps and suggestions and still I get this message saying “PlateSolve2 can’t find the APM catalog. Please install it before proceeding. The catalog directory can be selected from the File menu”

    Thanks again


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