Blank Image from Altair GPCAM 290C (pt 2)

Issue #162 duplicate
Former user created an issue

Sorry - can't seem to add comment to your reply, hence another post.

Thanks for the reply. However, auto-stretch makes no difference. I've also tried on a second laptop with the same blank results. Even during daylight, pointing at a light source - just capture a black/blank screen.

Also tried installing the Altair ASCOM drivers and changed several settings (colour, bit depth, etc). All just give the same result! Screen capture attached (if that helps any)

Comments (4)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    Your image Histogram is all to the right. As you can see your Maximum value is 4094 in the statistics. As your camera is 12 bit this is the maximum possible value.

    Stretching algorithm only works properly when the Median is below 50% of the bit depth maximum.

  2. Stefan B repo owner

    Additonally, the displayed image uses the maximum value range of 16 bit. So a non-stretched image in 12 bit will always show as black. Try to cover your lens cap and take a one second exposure and activate stretch and see if you can see something else as a black screen.

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