Can you add an option to platesolve from a FITS or XISF file

Issue #175 resolved
Oaklandish created an issue

I would like to be able to platesolve from an existing FITS file so I can pick up imaging the exact same field of view and rotation from where I left off from night to night. Perhaps I am missing something but I can not figure out how to do it. Framing tab will not let me select a FITS file.

Comments (5)

  1. Stefan B repo owner


    currently FITS and XISF can't be loaded into the framing wizard. This is a planned feature and might come soon!

  2. Oaklandish reporter

    Definitely a major item keeping me from shooting over multiple nights. Especially when I start on different sides of the meridian on the same target. I spent 1 hr last night manually aligning the scope with the mount controls and the rotator just so I could pick up where I left off. Thanks for the continued development and this software is getting really close to being great.

  3. Stefan B repo owner

    As a workaround you could save one aligned image as TIFF (you can set the format inside the options->Imaging tab). TIFF format can be loaded into the framing wizard already.

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