File Camera

Issue #180 resolved
Stefan B repo owner created an issue

Add the possibility for a “manual” camera, where N.I.N.A. will just listen to a specified folder where images will roll in to load into the application. This would be a way to add Cameras that don’t have any SDK capabilities etc.

The user just has to make sure on how those images land into the folder.

Comments (3)

  1. Jörg Woker


    thank you Stefan for adding my proposal.

    You picked up one part of the idea - the second is to get an independant Trigger-Output for example like the shoestring-cables to be able to trigger any camera capable of beeing controlled by a remote switch.

    This would open additional options for triggering any image acquisition hardware, also such one, which is not supported by manufacturers drivers as far as the user is able to transport the akkquired data - as you picked up in your addition - into a predefined input folder.

  2. Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Woker

    Very fine!

    So the only position is how to get the trigger impulse…

    Shoestring adapter would be a way to go perhaps.

    ok - why is there now a second account? 😑

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