Sequence Save/Load

Issue #182 closed
Pranab Dhar created an issue

I am liking what I see and have some observation which might help other users as well.

  1. While loading a saved XML sequence I get a File Open dialog which allows me to load a specific file.
  2. While saving a sequence I get a Folder Selection dialog and it is a tedious effort to find the appropriate folder where I am organising my target sequences. If I am saving the sequence which is being edited / updated on the app it does not ask if the sequence file can be overwritten (Yes/No) , instead it automatically creates a new XML file with a number suffix, which leads to proliferation of many files and it is a nightmare later.
  3. Having Equipment profiles would be a great addition so I can have a profile for Simulators and one for different sets of hardware.
  4. Having a concept of a project which binds an equipment profile with multiple sequences would help.
  5. I see a target location curve to show the position on the horizon, how about adding a scheduling start/end time , This helps a lot as many of the targets can be scheduled in an automated fashion.

Comments (2)

  1. Stefan B repo owner


    thank you for your feedback.

    Equipment profiles can already be set up inside the options tab. You can then switch to different profiles containing different equipment presets.
    Attaching those profiles to a sequence only is not planned, as one set of equipment will affect more than just the sequence.

    For your sequence suggestions, there will be an overhaul coming to the Sequence planning, that will completely rework the planning, including the things you have already mentioned. I don’t have an ETA on this tho.

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