"Pass Meridian" - Optimization

Issue #184 closed
Jonathan MacCollum created an issue

Given the following conditions it seems it would be beneficial to have no “Pass Meridian” delay when performing a meridian flip:


  • Minutes Past Meridian: > 0 minutes.
  • Use Side-Of-Pier is enabled.
  • Pause before meridian is 0 minutes.

Current behavior:

  • The “Meridian Flip” workflow is started when the time to flip is calculated to occur within the next exposure
  • Guiding is stopped
  • A “Pass Meridian” delay is calculated that allows the mount to continue across the meridian line before the actual command to flip is sent to the mount
  • When the “Pause before meridian” is configured such that the initial calculation of this time is less than 0 the result can cause the workflow to sleep for over 23 hours (as this time has already passed and the calculation is looking at the next day.) When > 0 can result is a small amount of wasted imaging time.

Expected behavior:

  • The “Meridian Flip” workflow is started anytime the mount is pointing “x minutes” past the meridian and the Side-Of-Pier is reporting “west”
  • A “Pass Meridian” delay is fixed to the amount of time configured in “pause before meridian” and not dependent on the “time to meridian” allowing the user to specify a 0-minute wait for this value. (Possibly eliminating this value when user opts into using Side-Of-Pier.)

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