Errors when running as standard user

Issue #185 resolved
Former user created an issue

Latest stable 64 bit version downloaded today on Win 10 64 bit

I work as a standard user and have a different account as administrator. Upon installation I enter admins data when requested. Installation runs fine but when starting the program as standard user I get "SQL logic error, no such table:..." messages. Framing and sky atlas do not work. Running NINA as administrator everything works fine. With help on discord I found the following solution: %localappdata%\NINA\NINA..sqlite has size 0 so I copied this file from the admins account %localappdata% directory (size 4.852 KB) and changed ownership to my standard user. Now NINA runs fine, framing and sky atlas do work, at least to the best I can say so far. I only started with NINA today. Testing with equipment needs still to be done.

Thank you. Best regards Torsten

PS: Select version doesn't have 1.8 yet

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