Still cannot plate solve using Plate Solve2

Issue #187 resolved
Sebastian Donoso created an issue

Hi guys,

So a while back I posted because I was having issues with plate solving using Plate Solve2. Somebody pointed out that I had downloaded the catalog but not Plate Solve2 itself and that’s why NINA wasn’t picking it up so I went ahead and downloaded PlateSolve2 as well and I told NINA where the file is located.

Having said that, last night I attempted to plate solve and I got this message saying “PlateSolve can't find the APM catalog. Please install it before proceeding. The catalog directory can be selected from the File menu”

I do have both the catalog and the program so I cannot understand why NINA fails to pick it up.

One last thing…the name of my PlateSolve2 file is PlateSolve2 and not PlateSolve2.exe so I am not sure if the fact that my file is missing .exe has anything to do with this issue…

Any feedback is greatly appreciated!


Comments (6)

  1. Stefan B repo owner


    you need to setup the catalog inside platesolve2 via File->Configure Catalog Directories once. After Status:OK is displayed, ps2 should be able to run the solver.

    Also you need to point to the ps2 file inside N.I.N.A. and it does not matter how it is called, but it does look like it is already picked up correctly for you, as you get the error from platesolve2 and not from N.I.N.A.


  2. Sebastian Donoso reporter

    Hi Stefan,

    Thank you so much for the prompt response and for the clarification. After following your instructions, I was able to configure the UCAC3 catalog but no the APM catalog. For some reason there is no folder for it although I do see the APM catalog setup icon…

    Can I run PlateSolve2 with the UCAC3 and not APM directory configured or do I need the APM or both?

    Any thoughts as to why I cannot configure the APM catalog?



  3. Sebastian Donoso reporter


    I was finally able to locate the APM folder as well!

    The question still remains…do I need to configure both catalogs (APM and UCAC3) or just APM? Any detriment in configuring both?

    Thanks again

  4. Stefan B repo owner

    It is not required to add both catalogs, but it should not be a problem having both set up. Personally I run PS2 with only the APM catalog set up.

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