Have NINA File Camera index .PEF and .DNG files

Issue #196 resolved
Samuel Roehr created an issue

Per my response in Issue #75 I have been able to get Pentax DSLRs working with the very handy NINA File Camera.


While the images are being sent to the folder monitored by the File Camera and it pulls in the camera generated JPEGs fine, it ignores the RAW files created by the Pentax DSLR.

As far as I can tell, the File Camera isn’t looking for or indexing the RAW formats used by Pentax (.PEF and .DNG). If I rename the file so that it has a .RAW extension, NINA picks it up and sends it to DCRaw before successfully displaying the captured image.


This should be an easy fix; the actual processing of the RAW files is done by DCRaw, and it already supports Pentax RAW files without issue (as well as anything in the Adobe DNG standard).

Having the File Camera index .PEF and .DNG files should see it sorted.

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