Framing & Mosaic

Issue #199 closed
Phillip created an issue

Hi, developer.

Thank you for your help on the last issue. EAF's focusing problem has been solved on NIGHTLY #30.

Now I'm trying to use NINA's Mosaic framing function, and I find several problems.

  1. In the mosaic interface, I can increase the number of horizontal and vertical panels in the module, but in the angle setting, it can not be obtained from the files that have been plate solved.
  2. After setting panels and angles manually, several boxes appear on the right side of the screen, but the scale of the screen can not be scaled. I can't see whether the range of framing is enough when implementing the large-scale mosaic plan.
  3. In the skyatlas (offline frame) of the faming tag, can we add a stellarium-like view, which will be very helpful when shooting in the field (where there is no network signal).

Thank you and look forward to your reply.

Comments (6)

  1. Stefan B repo owner


    1. When using framing from a file, the angle will be retrieved from the platesolve result and populated on the rotation
    2. The scale can be adjusted for the offline framing with the mouse wheel or for other sky atlas - setting the Field Of View and click load again
    3. The offline framing already provides a stellarium like view. you can drag it with the mouse and zoom in with the mouse wheel. it just does not provide an alt-az grid yet but only ra-dec. you can still see the altitude of the center object however in the graph on the bottom left.
  2. Phillip reporter


    Now I am trying what you post yesterday.

    In the framing window, I loaded a graph from the file and successfully plate solved. At this time, no matter how I use the mouse wheel or the zoom-in button in the upper left corner, the maximum FOV that the screen can support is just paving the loaded files, and can't continue to expand. So when I do mosaic framing for big targets, I can't know the actual boundary is, or is my panels enough.

  3. Stefan B repo owner


    so when loading up a file, you can only see the file borders itself and not adjust the field of view. Another option are the online SkySurveys where you can load a certain field of view into the image. Still you can’t zoom there, but you can readjust the field of view and load the image again from the online service.
    For a full dynamic experience you can use the Offline Framing. There you can freely pan and zoom.

  4. Phillip reporter

    I understand…

    So the question now is doing mosaic composition whether to use offline framing or from file platesolve, when I use file platesolve, I can't see the composition boundary. When I entered the target name and reloaded it from offline so that I could see the boundaries, I lost my current accurate rotate angle.

  5. Eric Schubert

    I ran into a similar issue, where a plate-solved or loaded image file won’t allow you to zoom out past the fit-to-view FOV. That means if my object just barely fits into that image, then I can’t see the border of the FOV and verify that the rotation is set to what I need. It would be nice to be able to zoom even smaller so that I can see the full image in the window, including empty margins around it, but the border of the FOV can be easily seen for adjusting rotation. Hopefully that makes sense..?

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