Add a pause command for sequences

Issue #2 resolved
Alistair M created an issue

It would be great to be able to insert pauses into sequences. For example I'm imaging off my balcony, and I want it to be able wait 1 minute before starting the first sub, so that I have time to walk away without disturbing the mount during a sub.

Comments (5)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    Would you like to have a pause before the sequence starts, or additionally between sequences, too?

  2. Alistair M reporter

    I think between sequences would be useful too, for people with manual filter wheels, and then re-platesolve afterwards to ensure they're back on target.

  3. Eric Schubert

    This would be a very helpful tool to have. Insert pauses just to delay starting another sequence. But, also inserting a pause that the user manually clears, so that they can swap filters or make other adjustments. Or just check on things between sets of sequence items.

    An example might be to plate-solve the location for an object, center, then pause to let the user check if they like the framing before continuing. Or take a couple test shots to check framing, pause, then let the user decide to continue the sequence or cancel.

    I see pauses after things like slewing and dithering to allow settling. But being able to insert a manual pause into the sequence as a line item would be great.

    EDIT: I see this item is considered “resolved”, though I’m not sure I would agree entirely. Perhaps my request is a separate item. I’ll log a new issue.

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