Plate solve every # frames to recenter target as needed

Issue #203 resolved
Yannick Dutertre created an issue

Suggestion from CN: plate solve, recenter, and sync every N frames during a sequence. Good for poorly aligned mounts used without auto-guiding (e.g. 10Micron mounts)

Comments (6)

  1. Jonathan MacCollum

    The workaround still requires a re-slew does it not? If so, it would be good to have it solve, sync and then only if outside the error threshold re-center.

  2. Jungshik Shin

    I came here to file a feature request for this and was looking for a similar feature request to avoid a duplicate.

    My mount (Dobsonian Goto) also keeps drifting away from the target. Because it’s alt-az, I have to deal with both field rotation and drifting. I deal with field rotation by taking a very short sub (say 6 sec ~ 10 sec). If I can keep the target in the center by periodical platesolving - slew - center, it’d be great.

    A workaround seems a bit awkward. If I want to re-center every 50 frames for, say 1000 subs (of 6 seconds long), I need to have 20 sequences. If an option to re-center (platesolve - slew - center if necessary) every N frames can be added, that’d be very convenient for people like me with a mount that does not track very well.

  3. Jungshik Shin

    Because I can’t reopen this issue, I’m afraid this issue won’t get any attention from the development team. I’m mentioning one of them to get their attention. Sorry, @Stephan B for bothering you, but I’d very much appreciate if you could consider this feature request. Thanks a lot, in advance !

  4. Simon Kapadia

    Solved in advanced sequencer. Just add in a “centre” to your sequence whenever you want it

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