Pause/disable focuser temperature compensation during autofocus routine

Issue #208 resolved
Samuel Roehr created an issue

Current behaviour

If you enable temperature compensation on the equipment->focuser tab, the focuser’s compensation routine will continue to operate during an autofocus routine. As soon as compensation tries to move the focuser, the autofocus routine will terminate.

End result is you can’t combine periodic autofocus routines with temperature compensation running in between.

Improved behaviour

When commencing an autofocus routine, NINA should disable temperature compensation if enabled. Once autofocus has completed, temperature compensation should be restored to its previous state.

This would allow the two to operate together without temperature compensation messing with the autofocus routine routine’s logic.

(And I really need to remember logging in before lodging issues!)

Comments (3)

  1. Samuel Roehr reporter

    Whoops, my quick look through obviously wasn’t very good.

    I guess this can be closed off as a duplicate then.

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