Imaging with Nikon D750 results in false exposure delay, halving acquired data

Issue #217 resolved
Former user created an issue

When imaging with a Nikon D750, the camera will expose for x seconds, but NINA will say that it is waiting for the camera or preparing the image. Upon exposure completion, NINA then counts down the exposure length while the camera sits idly. Upon countdown completion, the image downloads, and another exposure begins and the cycle repeats.

This doubles sequence time, resulting in half the data intended.

Comments (3)

  1. Adolfo De Sanctis

    Hi there, I have noticed the same issue, although it only happens for exposures below 30sec, for exposures in BULB mode it works fine. Hope this helps.

  2. Bryan Schaefer

    I am having the same problem. It makes things take much longer than they should. Would be great to get this resolved.

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