Possible to apply stretch to nasa sky survey images?

Issue #220 resolved
Linda Thomas-Fowler created an issue

In the framing tab, the images from the NASA Sky survey display as a white foreground on an almost white background that provide so little contrast it is very hard to see the image.

Would it be possible to apply some sort of default stretch on that data to make it more visible?

Comments (6)

  1. Ron Kramer

    I 2nd this. SGP’s live histogram adjustment sliders allow this when framing in SGP. HOWEVER I like NINA far more than SGP and surpasses it’s linear limited design already. So lets work out the few minor snags!

  2. Ron Kramer

    stretch/histogram sliders would be welcomed in normal imaging too. The 2 adjustments in “OPTIONS/IMAGING” are very limited. If we could have RGB and histo adjustments like Sharpcap has - it would continue to drive NINA as “best out there”.

  3. Yannick Dutertre

    For the moment, found a way to apply proper brightness and contrast adjustments to the NASA SkySurvey images automatically (and dynamically, depending on the characteristics of each image). This should make the NASA SkySurvey images much more usable.

  4. Ron Kramer

    Great - The histogram sliders in SGP also worked on NASA survey images which always came up to bright originally. I LOVE NINA - incredibly well do so far. I’ve tried them all. Never satisifed until NINA.

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