Need readout for local image statistics to determine overexposure.

Issue #238 resolved
Dan Kuchta created an issue

I’m trying to switch from SGP to NINA, but having trouble determining correct exposure. I use the Mean value to determine the background level and make sure I’m far enough above the read noise so I’m not underexposed, and NINA has that ability. But in SGP, I can also hover my mouse over a spot in the image to see, if a star or the bright core of a galaxy is saturated. I check a number of the brightest spots in the image to see how many are saturated which gives me an idea of whether I’m overexposed or not. In SGP, this is simply an additional section in the image statistics window, which shows mean, min and max values in a small area of the image around the cursor. There is no indication in the UI that this is happening, other than the values constantly changing as you move your cursor around the image.

Comments (2)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    Right clicking in the image window in Version 1.10 HF1 will show a small pixel section as well as max value

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