SXVR-26C camera using ASCOM driver fails to operate under NINA

Issue #239 closed
Anne van Houwelingen created an issue

Using the ASCOM driver of the SXVR-26C camera, connection is OK, but upon imaging fails while generating the following error codes:

  1. Property write ASCOM.SXMain0.Camera ReadoutMode is not implemented in this driver

‌ 2.Unexpected error occured. Property writeASCOM.SXMain0.Camera ReadoutMode is not implemented in this driver

Noting that in camera setting both shapshot readout mode and sequences readoutmode drop down boxes are empty

Comments (4)

  1. Dale Ghent

    Hi Anne, I’m sorry that you are encountering this issue.

    This is strange in that the only reason we would list readout modes for a camera is if it advertised them, or if the camera is capable of what is called a fast readout mode. It seems that perhaps the ASCOM driver is advertising that that camera does have readout modes, but isn’t supplying the name of them?

    In order to get a clear picture regarding what the driver is doing and to see if there any issues with it, could you please install the ASCOM Conformance Checker and run it against your camera and driver?

    1. Once Conform is installed and opened and that your camera is connected to your computer as if you were ready to use it, go to the Options menu and ensure that Check Camera is selected.
    2. Return to the Options menu and select Select Driver
    3. Choose the SXCCD driver as you would in any normal ASCOM application. It may nag you to make sure that the camera is set up correctly using the Properties button. Do this as you would normally with any other ASCOM application.
    4. In the Validate menu, ensure that Create Validation File is selected
    5. In the lower-right of the window there is a stack of buttons. Press Check Conformance to being the test run. At the end of the test run, it should create a validation output file and inform you to its location. Please take that file and attach it to this ticket.

    Thank you!

  2. Anne van Houwelingen reporter

    Hi Dale,

    Thanks for the support and the detailed instructions. See the attached file for the result of the validation check



  3. Stefan B repo owner

    Driver has ascom conformance issues. Please contact your vendor to fix the driver. If the problem persists afterwards feel free to reopen the issue

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