framed image disappears after "replace as sequence target" is selected on N.I.N.A. framing page

Issue #244 resolved
Acapulco Rolf created an issue


framed image disappears after "replace as sequence target" is selected on N.I.N.A. framing page

Steps to reproduce:

identify target on the N.I.N.A. framing page
image source: Stsci Sky Survey
load image
frame target
select recenter image
select slew
select replace as sequence target
N.I.N.A. moves to sequence page

go back to N.I.N.A. framing page

Actual behaviour
framed image has now disappeared

Comments (5)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    This is intended to free up resources. If you want to reload that image you can switch the source to the “Cache” and re-select the target you had.

  2. Acapulco Rolf reporter

    I should add that re-selecting “load image“ again, returns the target to the framing window

  3. Ara Jerahian

    Wait @Stefan Beyeler , if the image is already in cache, why wouldn’t you just leave the last image from the cache shown?

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