Last two columns occasionally suddenly not visible in sequence page

Issue #258 resolved
Acapulco Rolf created an issue

Last two columns occasionally suddenly not visible in sequence page (i.e. gain, offset)
N.I.N.A. 1.9 beta 11

This behaviour seems somewhat random

Not entirely sure how to reproduce this consistently other than when the sequence started the columns were visible, but at some point during the session and once the sequence page was viewed again at the end of the session the last two columns on the sequence page (i.e. gain, offset) were no longer visible

Comments (6)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    Gain and Offset are only displayed when the camera is connected. otherwise it is hidden.

  2. Acapulco Rolf reporter


    Thanks Stefan

    Yes, you did mention this before, come to think of it, during a discord session previously

    Understood 🙂

  3. Ara Jerahian

    If you want to fully configure your sequence ahead of time for use later on, the workaround I used is to edit the saved XML file for the sequence. Just enter the gain and offset values in the XML file directly and save. I know the reason here is that NINA doesn’t know if the camera supports gain and offset without it being connected, but I still think the columns should be shown when the camera is not connected and then simply hidden/ignored if the connected camera indeed doesn’t support them, instead of the other way around which is currently the case.

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