Issue #261 resolved
Tom LitterS created an issue

I am writing to show some error.I have some problem when i try to get my qhyccd 8l ccd connected with my computer(windows 64bit),Then the red warning box jump up.I have tried to download the lasted software from the official website to connect,but the error still……

Sorry for my bad English,It is not my native language.Hope you can understand what i try to express. Thank you very much.

Comments (7)

  1. Dale Ghent

    Hello Tom,

    I am sorry you are experiencing this problem. The current situation is that the SDK software from QHY does not fully support the older QHY8L camera. I expect it to fully support the QHY8L soon, and we will include the improved version with NINA when it is available. Until then, you may prefer the QHY8L ASCOM driver instead of the direct support.

  2. Dale Ghent

    Hi Tom. I have some information about the ASCOM driver.

    There are currently 2 kinds of ASCOM driver for QHY camera. The first is the new “All-in-one” driver that supports most QHY cameras, and it uses the SDK to support them. Because it uses the SDK, the “All-in-one” driver also does not fully support the QHY8L. To use the QHY8L with ASCOM, you must use the dedicated driver. You may get it here:

    When QHY releases a version of the SDK that supports the QHY8L, the confusion will be gone and you will be able to use direct (“native”) or the “All-in-one” driver with it.

  3. Tom LitterS reporter

    Hi Dale,thank you for your help.
    I have downloaded the latest software which is only designed for 8L from the official QHYCCD website and the drive you share with me.I tested these two and the drive i already have before NINA. However,none of them work well. Maybe, 8L is too old to get Ascom work well.
    Luckily, i found if i get 8L connected with NINA directly(skip the ascom to connect,just

    like the official QHYCCD EZCAP software ), NINA can connect 8L and the 8L work properly.
    Once again,I'd like to express my warm thanks to you.And sorry for my poor English.

  4. Dale Ghent

    Good to hear that news, Tom. You may wish to update to the newest 1.9 release candidate. It has a QHY SDK version that has increased 8L support. Your English is very good, by the way. There is no need to apologize.

  5. Tom LitterS reporter

    Thanks Dale!

    So I am confused now.

    My NINA is 1.9 Beta 12 , so which 8L drive software should I use ?

  6. Dale Ghent

    Hi, Tom,

    As of yesterday, 1.9 has exited Beta phase and is now in Release Candidate phase. By installing 1.9 RC0001 you will get the newer QHY SDK as well.

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