Calculated HFR metric for subs appears to differ significantly in v1.10 001 compared to the last v1.9 beta build

Issue #265 resolved
Acapulco Rolf created an issue

Calculated HFR metric for subs appears to differ significantly in v1.10 001 compared to the last v1.9 beta build

Example N.I.N.A. .sub and screen captures below

N.B. A Bhatinov mask sanity check shows the stars in the subs to be at focus

HFR value calculated in N.I.N.A. v1.10 001:

HFR value calculated externally:

Bhatinov mask focus sanity check:

Example sub here

The calculated HFR value is consistent and so does not affect the imaging session in any way

Comments (7)

  1. Yannick Dutertre

    The issue has been tracked down to a ushort overflow, and a PR has been submitted. Paradoxically that may actually have helped with AF as it was increasing HFR of out of focus stars more than HFR of in focus stars.

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