Copy sequence settings

Issue #268 closed
Former user created an issue

Hello, It would be possible that in the sequences the settings such as exposure time, filter, dithering, etc. from one Sequenc to another copy at least from one target to the next. That would be very useful when creating a panorama. So far, the settings for each image of the panorama must be transferred from one hand to the next.

Comments (3)

  1. Stefan B repo owner


    you can already use sequence templates for the described use case. Just adjust a sequence to your liking and export it to the filesystem. afterwards you can specify this file as a template in the sequence template settings. When this is set all new sequences will be populated according to the template.

  2. Uwe P.

    Oh, I have not seen that yet. Yes, at least the parameters are covered which are 99% always the same. great thank you.

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