Please create SUBDIR with target name to save target files.

Issue #271 closed
Ron Kramer created an issue

Shooting several targets per night they are all piled into the same subdir.
It would be very nice - if a subdir with target name could be created for each targets files.

As it is now - I have to spend each morning - creating dirs and selecting files and moving them into each sub dir.


SPEAKING OF SUBDIRS - it really needs to save the path where SEQ files are saved. (I have to hunt and peck and click to find my nina seq dir inside this Pc, J, Users, documents, nina, sequences… each time I save or load.

Then seq names allowed to be entered, saved and OVER WRITTEN instead of stacking multiple versions of the same seq as (1), (2), …. (6).

Comments (4)

  1. Dale Ghent

    Even a single backslash in the Image File Pattern field will create a subfolder. For example, the one I use is: $$APPLICATIONSTARTDATE$$-$$TARGETNAME$$\$$IMAGETYPE$$\$$DATETIME$$_$$FILTER$$_$$FRAMENR$$_$$EXPOSURETIME$$S

    This will create a directory structure such as:

    2019-08-26-Hoag's Object\
                             -> LIGHT\
                                      -> 2019-08-26_12:01:35_Ha_0004_300S.fits
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