Pass FOV rotation values from planetarium to N.I.N.A.

Issue #275 resolved
Eric Schubert created an issue

Enhancement suggestion:

When obtaining coordinates from a planetarium program (e.g. Stellarium, Cartes du Ciel, etc.), some of these tools include field-of-view previews for imaging. For example: both Stellarium and CdC include framing tools for cameras, allowing users to input camera and telescope data so as to create a box to assist with framing subjects on their maps.

It would be fantastic if we could frame subjects in these planetarium programs, and when getting these coordinates in N.I.N.A. it could include the rotation, in addition to the center coordinates.

Right now, framing subjects offline in N.I.N.A. while disconnected from the internet can be challenging, as the offline object libraries don’t include any real images, just circles to represent objects. For large subjects that fill the frame, it can be difficult to know what the orientation of the subject is until you start imaging. And at a dark site that can result in lost time as you take test images to figure out your subject’s rotation for framing. Since these planetariums include framing tools and have images for many subjects, it would be helpful for those with portable setups to take advantage of this functionality, if at all possible.

Comments (4)

  1. Ron Kramer

    +1 !!!

    Also I wished NINA would tell the planetarium program where the scope is pointing. (live)

  2. Ron Kramer

    After a sync for example. Plate solve, SYNC and “show in stellarium” where the solve shows the scope is pointing.

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