IMAGETYP header for DARK files

Issue #280 resolved
Simon Kapadia created an issue

Dark files, specified as darks in sequencer and saved to the DARK directory have the image type header specified incorrectly in the output FITS file – the header reads IMAGETYP=LIGHT. This was in 1.9RC001.

Comments (2)

  1. Simon Kapadia reporter

    It seems that the binning header is also incorrect – these are flats taken in NINA 1.9RC001, they were binned 2x2 and the size is correct, but the FITS header has XBINNING and YBINNING both set to 1.

    SIMPLE  =                    T / C# FITS                                        
    BITPIX  =                   16 /                                                
    NAXIS   =                    2 / Dimensionality                                 
    NAXIS1  =                 2720 /                                                
    NAXIS2  =                 1824 /                                                
    BZERO   =                32768 /                                                
    EXTEND  =                    T / Extensions are permitted                       
    IMAGETYP= 'FLAT'               / Type of exposure                               
    EXPOSURE=    0.799490084906759 / [s] Exposure duration                          
    DATE-LOC= 2019-08-27T07:10:43.171 / Time of observation (local)                 
    DATE-OBS= 2019-08-27T06:10:43.171 / Time of observation (UTC)                   
    XBINNING=                    1 / X axis binning factor                          
    YBINNING=                    1 / Y axis binning factor                          
    GAIN    =                  400 / Sensor gain                                    
    OFFSET  =                   40 / Sensor gain offset                             
    XPIXSZ  =     2.40000009536743 / [um] Pixel X axis size                         
    YPIXSZ  =     2.40000009536743 / [um] Pixel Y axis size                         
    INSTRUME= 'ALTAIRH183M'        / Imaging instrument name                        
    CCD-TEMP=                   20 / [degC] CCD temperature                         
    TELESCOP= 'Celestron 80ED'     / Name of telescope                              
    FOCALLEN=                  480 / [mm] Focal length                              
    FOCRATIO=                    6 / Focal ratio                                    
    RA      =     67.0247230725484 / [deg] RA of telescope                          
    DEC     =     51.5481781914894 / [deg] Declination of telescope                 
    SITEELEV=                   60 / [m] Observation site elevation                 
    SITELAT =     51.5591777777778 / [deg] Observation site latitude                
    SITELONG=   -0.322113888888889 / [deg] Observation site longitude               
    FWHEEL  = 'Xagyl FilterWheel'  / Filter Wheel name                              
    FILTER  = 'Sii'                / Active filter name                             
    FOCNAME = 'HitecDCFocus Focus' / Focusing equipment name                        
    FOCPOS  =                 1287 / [step] Focuser position                        
    FOCUSPOS=                 1287 / [step] Focuser position                        
    SWCREATE= 'N.I.N.A.' / Software that created this file                
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