Gain fields to be auto-populated

Issue #282 resolved
Niccolò Coli created an issue

my suggestion would be for all "gain" fields (like in the framing wizard, imaging in imaging tab, platesolve tab) to be auto populated with the default one specified in Equipment/Camera tab

Comments (2)

  1. Ron Kramer

    YES - OR read it from what the camera is currently configured at. (better yet) and have it auto-fill. We can then determine if we want that gain or need to change/update it. I see this a lot - in a sequence. I’m not sure what the gain is set at. (my default is 101) but it may not be. if I leave it blank assuming 101… I could find the whole sequence of shots wasn’t set as desired. I suppose I could enter what I think it’s at and want… but like most users - we try to do things as quickly as possible and I find I skip over bin and gain in seq setup and run with defaults/or/last set.

  2. Stefan B repo owner

    in 1.10 Beta all gain and offset fields will get the default gain/offset value specified in the "default gain/offset" section of the camera tab when they have nothing else specified.

    So for example when you leave the sequence gain empty it will then show the Default Gain in brackets e.,g. (200) When a gain is explicitly set in the sequence it will then show the number without brackets.

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