RA and DEC can not be passed from Stellarium unless a prominent item is selected? (not just a coordinate?)

Issue #289 resolved
Ron Kramer created an issue

Maybe this is so it can add a target name? but I find that I can’t click anywhere in stellarium for a point to center. The reason. When clicking a nebula, I may want to focus on a specific area. The coordinates will not be passed unless I click the nebula icon itself or a very prominent star. But most often the area I want to center on doesn’t have either one. It might be a tiny insignificant star because that may be the area I wish to center on. For example if wanting to shoot the SOUL and the the HEART - the center point would not be either nebula, or any large (HIP) star? I click the spot and I see the RA and DEC of the click in stellarium appear. But when I click the “GET COORDINATES in NINA it says Failure to get coordinates from Stellarium.

I then have to click something major to pass the coordinates into NINA, but then I’m no centered where I want to be.
Can you allow just the RA and DEC to pass into NINA? I suspect the issue is no target name? If this is the case you could pick a near target name or just have the target name be UNKNOWN. (we can enter the name).

This has made it really hard to get the exact framing I want. With just RA and DEC - a center should still work from a plate solve. Maybe the targetname could be “Coordinates RA + DEC”. I LOVE NINA - but I’m finding this a big flaw.

OR - allow us to right click on the last sub taken and right click and select “CENTER HERE”. (SGP does this). I used that a lot. Think I would probably prefer that option instead. (BOTH would be great).

Keep it up - NINA is THE BEST sequencing software out there. I have them all and finally HAPPY with the design and layout and performance.

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