SWITCH - Digital Loggers driver isn't working? ANY WAY TO HAVE MORE THAN ONE DEVICE?

Issue #293 closed
Ron Kramer created an issue

I have a digital loggers 8 outlet switch. Although it doesn’t seem to work with nina the driver is there and the config appears to be correct in that it shows 8 outlets.
It does prompt me to login and pw which works. It then shows 8 switches. But not actual current status is shown?

At any rate - when I go to switch one of 1-8 on or off. It goes through the motions but the switch does not get toggled physically. The driver setup says it’s off or on, but the switch is not toggled. Any ideas?

ANYONE actually try to use a digital loggers switch unit with NINA?


In addition. I have a snapcap. The switch DOES WORK with this but if both worked, I could only connect to one at a time.
If I can get the digital loggers (power switch outlets to work) I’d then like to request more than one device. Since the snapcap is considered a switch.

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