Latest nightly build downloaded today creates issues with platesolving with DSLR

Issue #294 resolved
Tom Kennedy created an issue

I downloaded the latest nightly build this evening and when I tried to platesolve with my DSLR it failed on an invalid image file type error. My guess is that NINA told it to look for a FITS file and I sent over a CRW file. I installed the latest beta and all is well now. Just passing this along.


Comments (8)

  1. George Hilios

    Ah yes, I can see how this would happen now. For my reference, what Plate Solver were you using?

  2. Stefan B repo owner

    Yeah the save method of the ImageData object ignores the fits flag when raw dslr data exists unfortunately. A workaround would be to clear this raw dslr data as it is not required anyways before saving the image data

  3. George Hilios

    Yeah that’s the reason. I don’t think I’ll take quite that approach though. I need to mull it over 🙂 The quick fix is to add a flag to ignore the raw data but that feels fishy. Perhaps I’ll do that to get this fixed immediately while I continue thinking about it.

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