Platesolve File no resultes and some RFC's

Issue #314 resolved
chris created an issue

I have problems with platesloving from file when using platesolve 2.28

First remark, it would be handy to load first the image before initiate the platesolve

I select and Canon 40d CR2 image from my directory, coordinate hints are give in this case m27, also the camera details are populated, the coordinates are add in to plateSolve 2.28, also the catalogs are selected.

A solve to gives a result, while doing this in APT with the same Platesolve same setting and object as hint it solves in almost 2 seconds.

Can this be caused by the conversion to jpg.

Secondly Can you anvsr solver to Nina.

(i use version 1.9, i cant select it below)

Two sub question

  1. how to take picture and sync my CEM60 as start of the seq,
  2. I like to have also variable to define the Path where my images are placed



Thanks on forhand lt me know what to upload

Comments (1)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    in the 1.10 nightlies images are sent to solvers via fits format. furthermore ansvr can already be used when using "local platesolver" and pointing to the cygwin folder that ansvr installs.

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