Save the camera settings

Issue #328 resolved
Simon Kapadia created an issue

Right now, every time I connect my camera, I have to remember to go to the bottom of the screen, change the offset, change the gain, and change the USB speed limit. They get reset to default values every single time. This has meant that I have occasionally forgotten to set one of the options and ended up with messed up captures. Please can we set it so that these settings are saved, either as part of the profile on a per camera basis, or put the settings in the “setup” dialog instead of in the camera equipment window, or put them in the main window or something, whatever as long as it’s not what we have now! 🙂

Comments (4)

  1. Ron Kramer

    I agree and would LOVE TO SAVE ALL SETTINGS as were last used.
    For example in the imaging screen. I always want HFR on.
    I also always want the cross hairs on. (can they stay as last set?)

  2. Ron Kramer

    SAME with plate solve options to “sync, try again, UNTIL” It doesn’t act right and I find I have to go back in and toggle those 3 ON every time I load it.

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