QSI Camera cannot capture

Issue #332 resolved
Former user created an issue

Latest QSI ASCOM drivers Latest NINA

Please check the readout ascom exception. Seems that you need to ignore it as the QSI camera cannot continue. Please check attachment

Comments (4)

  1. Evangelos Souglakos

    I understand that this has to be taken care by QSI but think that other imaging softwares have already fixed it. It is an easy fix to take care the ascom exception and not let QSI fix it (which will probably ignore it..).

    I’ll send a report to QSI but until they fix it it is better to take care of it at NINA. There are lots of QSI users out there and this error makes NINA useless.

    Please let me know if you need further debug logs.

  2. Dale Ghent

    Hi Evangelos

    I understand the issue, and I have tried to talk with QSI in the past regarding the problem with their ASCOM driver but have never received a response. It is the general policy of NINA to expect that ASCOM drivers conform to the specification, especially since ASCOM provides a tool to driver developers that informs them of any deficiencies (such as readout mode handling) that need to be corrected. Work-arounds are not the solution because it awards bad behavior, needlessly complicates code, and can lead to other unforeseen consequences.

    I have contacted QSI over Facebook now. Hopefully I will get a response.

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