Files Saving Problems in Nightly 15

Issue #338 resolved
Jim McPherson created an issue

I started the night on 14 and updated to 15 when I had a cloud break. As soon as I updated to 15, file saving issues arose.

N.I.N.A. created the folder in the right place to put the files, but didn’t place the files in that folder. Further the files have random numbers for names, here is an example:


The fits header is all correct, and the file itself is not corrupted.

My imaging machine died at 3am running out of memory. During this session it did create a number of lights, but it looks like at some point it stopped saving to the hard drive and then ran out of memory:

[2019-10-02T03:15:48]    [ERROR]     [MemberName] FinalizeSave
[2019-10-02T03:15:48]    [ERROR]     [FileName] D:\Projects\nina\NINA\Model\ImageData\ImageData.cs
[2019-10-02T03:15:48]    [ERROR]     [Message] Could not find a part of the path.      at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
   at System.IO.File.InternalMove(String sourceFileName, String destFileName, Boolean checkHost)
   at NINA.Model.ImageData.ImageData.FinalizeSave(String file, String pattern)

[2019-10-02T03:18:46]    [TRACE]     [MemberName] Create
[2019-10-02T03:18:46]    [TRACE]     [FileName] D:\Projects\nina\NINA\Model\ImageData\ImageStatistics.cs
[2019-10-02T03:18:46]    [TRACE]     [Message] Start: 02.10.2019 07:18:46.205; Stopped: 02.10.2019 07:18:46.783; Elapsed: 00:00:00.5693104

[2019-10-02T03:18:47]    [TRACE]     [MemberName] Stretch
[2019-10-02T03:18:47]    [TRACE]     [FileName] D:\Projects\nina\NINA\Utility\ImageAnalysis\ImageUtility.cs
[2019-10-02T03:18:47]    [TRACE]     [Message] Start: 02.10.2019 07:18:46.846; Stopped: 02.10.2019 07:18:47.143; Elapsed: 00:00:00.2985839

[2019-10-02T03:18:52]    [TRACE]     [MemberName] Detect
[2019-10-02T03:18:52]    [TRACE]     [FileName] D:\Projects\nina\NINA\Utility\ImageAnalysis\StarDetection.cs
[2019-10-02T03:18:52]    [TRACE]     [Message] Start: 02.10.2019 07:18:47.158; Stopped: 02.10.2019 07:18:52.127; Elapsed: 00:00:04.9612903

[2019-10-02T03:18:53]    [TRACE]     [MemberName] PrepareSave
[2019-10-02T03:18:53]    [TRACE]     [FileName] D:\Projects\nina\NINA\Model\ImageData\ImageData.cs
[2019-10-02T03:18:53]    [TRACE]     [Message] Start: 02.10.2019 07:18:52.502; Stopped: 02.10.2019 07:18:53.720; Elapsed: 00:00:01.2172659

[2019-10-02T03:18:53]    [ERROR]     [MemberName] FinalizeSave
[2019-10-02T03:18:53]    [ERROR]     [FileName] D:\Projects\nina\NINA\Model\ImageData\ImageData.cs
[2019-10-02T03:18:53]    [ERROR]     [Message] Could not find a part of the path.      at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
   at System.IO.File.InternalMove(String sourceFileName, String destFileName, Boolean checkHost)
   at NINA.Model.ImageData.ImageData.FinalizeSave(String file, String pattern)

[2019-10-02T03:21:56]    [TRACE]     [MemberName] Create
[2019-10-02T03:21:56]    [TRACE]     [FileName] D:\Projects\nina\NINA\Model\ImageData\ImageStatistics.cs
[2019-10-02T03:21:56]    [TRACE]     [Message] Start: 02.10.2019 07:21:55.456; Stopped: 02.10.2019 07:21:56.893; Elapsed: 00:00:01.4363373

[2019-10-02T03:22:17]    [ERROR]     [MemberName] RunListener
[2019-10-02T03:22:17]    [ERROR]     [FileName] D:\Projects\nina\NINA\Model\MyGuider\PHD2Guider.cs
[2019-10-02T03:22:17]    [ERROR]     [Message] Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service       at System.Net.NetworkInformation.SystemIPGlobalProperties.GetAllTcpConnections()
   at System.Net.NetworkInformation.SystemIPGlobalProperties.GetActiveTcpConnections()
   at NINA.Model.MyGuider.PHD2Guider.GetState(TcpClient tcpClient)
   at NINA.Model.MyGuider.PHD2Guider.<RunListener>d__56.MoveNext()

[2019-10-02T03:24:59]    [ERROR]     [MemberName] DownloadExposure
[2019-10-02T03:24:59]    [ERROR]     [FileName] D:\Projects\nina\NINA\Model\MyCamera\ASICamera.cs
[2019-10-02T03:24:59]    [ERROR]     [Message] Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program.       at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.AllocHGlobal(IntPtr cb)
   at NINA.Model.MyCamera.ASICamera.<>c__DisplayClass121_0.<<DownloadExposure>b__0>d.MoveNext()

[2019-10-02T03:24:59]    [ERROR]     [MemberName] ProcessSequence
[2019-10-02T03:24:59]    [ERROR]     [FileName] D:\Projects\nina\NINA\ViewModel\SequenceVM.cs
[2019-10-02T03:24:59]    [ERROR]     [Message] Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.     at NINA.Utility.Exceptions.CameraDownloadFailedException..ctor(CaptureSequence sequence)
   at NINA.ViewModel.SequenceVM.<>c__DisplayClass60_0.<<ProcessSequence>b__0>d.MoveNext()

I restarted when I woke up at 4, and double checked my file name and destination were correct in settings, but it started doing the same thing with the random file names.

I ran the flat’s wizard on nightly 15 and it correctly named and placed the flats, so this appears to only apply to lights.

Comments (5)

  1. Jim McPherson reporter

    Also, I had 50+ GB free on my hard drive that NINA was saving to, so it didn’t run out of hard disk storage space.

  2. Jim McPherson reporter

    I haven’t been able to check yet. 16 crashed my computer, had to hard reset it. So I decided to pause on the nightlies until things got a bit smoother.
    As soon as the next nightly is released I’ll give it a go again.

  3. Jim McPherson reporter

    Nightly 19 worked flawlessly for me last night. So this is resolved as far as I can tell.

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