Allow importation of target RA and Dec from DSO catalogues like Astrobin etc.

Issue #343 closed
Ross Walker created an issue

The included framing wizard DSO catalogues are useful but there are many DSOs that are unlisted (some of NGC, Sharpless, Abell, etc.), or are listed under obscure IDs and thus difficult to locate. It would therefore be a major time-saver if one could import into the framing wizard, DSO target RA and Dec from major DSO websites like Astrobin (as SGP currently allows).

E.g., enter a link to the target DSO, like “”, and have the corresponding ABin fields auto-populate the RA and Dec fields in the framing wizard.

Comments (3)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    In the latest nightly it is possible to import coordinates from clipboard into framing tab when they are in the hms dms format.

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