HUGE need - in ATLAS AREA a "favorites" list. Allowing us to see "what's up NOW". and tonight.

Issue #345 closed
Ron Kramer created an issue

I have pre-created many sequences for future dates. Lets say M42 as it will rise for me next month. But I have a LOT MORE that I want to image in my head and have forgotten when I can view them. I would love and I’m sure others would too… a favorites list (we have starred somehow? or - BEST would be (if possible) a way to make a favorites list from every sequence file we’ve created and saved in our nina documents/sequences.

We obviously have plans to shoot them or return next season. It would be AWESOME to see a list of all with the name:details:altitude data for each of our favs/sequence files. Though I have 60-70 seq files setup. When night comes I’m at a loss as to which I can do. If this FAVS list could come up I could see instantly which I can start at 8pm or which I want to wait until 1am. This would be SO POWERFUL.

As I look at the Atlas. I see I can set altitude and todays date. (which nearly does what I want). But the items listed are to plentiful. So if I could limit the list to “my favs” or my seq list. I’d be able to do what I’m looking for. This might only require a FAV’s bot in “obect type” and of course a way for us to flag a “favorite”.

Comments (5)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    the advanced sequencer offers the target tab which can serve as a favorites. it can also sort for what's most relevant for the night

  2. Andrew O

    I would like to vote to reopen this issue. I don’t see how the advanced sequencer target tab can serve the function the OP is asking for. I still have the problem of dozens of targets showing up that I could capture (i.e., they're above the horizon for sufficient time) but I still need to wade through all of the targets (every time I tweak the search even) to find the ones on my mental “list”. I came here to open an issue but I think the OP described it well, which is why I thought we could reopen this. (Or I’d be happy to create a new issue.) I think his idea to add a “Favorites” checkbox in the Object Type list plus the ability to add certain targets as favorites (a little star somewhere) would be an enormously helpful new feature for planning purposes and would make the Sky Atlas more user friendly. More specifically, the “Favorites” checkbox could be at the top of the Object List as users will probably want to use it frequently.

  3. Rafa Barberá Córdoba

    Well, currently you can send any target to the Targets list. This will be your “favorites” list. I've been using in this way for some months

  4. Andrew O

    Yes, we can add targets to the Targets list but I don’t see a way to filter by Targets in the Sky Atlas for planning purposes.

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