Solve displayed image. - Use that data ?

Issue #346 closed
Ron Kramer created an issue

Say I’m not sure where I’m pointing and I click SOLVE the displayed image. It comes up with data but is that data used anywhere? It would be helpful if that data was passed (via button on solve window?) that passes it into the framing area and the off line atlas was displaying the frame and location (placement) in the atlas. We could zoom out and see what targets are around this point or see visually how far off we’re from our desired target. At this point the solve doesn’t seem to have much use?

Also not sure if it’s just my res/desktop or if other see it. But the ltitle pop up solver window is displaying weird. The window is wrong size for the data and has ugly white around 2 sides. If I resize the window it fixes it. Just wanted to note that little bug?

Comments (1)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    Framing can slew and center on targets and there is a button to import the current mount coordinates too.

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