Common names of targets added to the Sky atlas search results?

Issue #347 closed
Ron Kramer created an issue

I suspect this database is already created and NINA is likely using a master database. But is it possible at all to add common names under the “name” field in the atlas search results? I can see what’s up tonight and I can see the constellation and the formal name such as IC 63 LBN 623 - but it would be so helpful for everyone I’m sure if it says a common name. The photos are so poor in most cases that we can’t visually identify the target. And as amateurs it’s unlikely that anyone has these targets memorized by their catalog designations. I just did a list of whats above 40' tonight and out of the 50 or so items I can only really tell what 2 are.
And I think one I have wrong. Looks like maybe the dumbell, Abell 84? but the rest I have no clue. Of course I understand if the database used doesn’t have common names in the data. = (

Comments (1)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    Target names are synchronized from SIMBAD as well as manual maintenance. Closing this issue as it is too generic. Provide a list of existing targets and their missing common names and they can be added.

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