Ability to turn off Notifications or Clear all notifications

Issue #364 resolved
Tarun Kottary created an issue

It would be good if we have ability to either turn of all notifications or clear all pending notifications in 1 go. Synchronised dither crashed last imaging session spamming millions of retry notifications cluttering the User interface.

See attached screenshot of alerts.

Comments (16)

  1. Dale Ghent

    The real bug here is probably the message that’s unfortunately and unintentionally being spammed. Thanks for the screenshot which points out the culprit

  2. Tarun Kottary reporter

    Still, this may happen for any driver or use case. Atleast clear all notifications might be helpful.

  3. Ron Kramer

    YES I get them stacked up and stuck and I have to click each one. Often just ignoring it anyway.

  4. Tarun Kottary reporter

    This one still remains buggy. I had a look at code, looks like sync dither keeps trying to connect endlessly in loop spamming million notifications every second.

     catch (Exception) {// assume nina other instance crash, restart 
     // remove the consumer since we will restart the loop getting all information and re-registering on the service
     // try to restart the server
     await TryStartServiceAndConnect();
     faulted = !Connected;}}

  5. Sebastian G

    I noticed that linkedin has a nice solution to keep the notification box visible, but not fill the whole screen. Only the latest notification is visble. The x button closes the message one at a time.

  6. Stefan B repo owner

    The notification is similar in nina. Just 5 notifications are displayed at the time and the rest will be shown when there is room.

  7. Sebastian G

    From a user’s perspective who uses a notebook in the field having just a single place to point to when closing the boxes would be appreciated. Using the trackpad with semi-frozen fingers to point precisely to that tiny close button is a challenge. Since the boxes can have different sizes, the cursor needs to be moved several times.

  8. Tal Achituv

    Certainly there should be a way to dismiss all the notifications at once. It too often happens that there are dozens created - and then many precious minutes are lost to having to click that tiny X again and again. the notification windows of different messages having different sizes makes this worse.

    I propose:

    • Most important, and probably easiest to implement - a clear all messages button.
    • Possible other solution - adding a messages view, instead of them popping up like they do now, they can be displayed ‘log’ style in a view just like ‘plate solve’, ‘optimal exposure calculator’, etc.

      • In this case, the latest few messages can still be visible the same way as they pop up now, and if there are more than 5 - a message with a button to open up the log pane can replace the current UX where the user has to dismiss an unknown number of messages one by one…

    Happy to try and implement this if someone can point me in the right direction. Just downloaded the sources so it will take me a while to get oriented.

  9. Assaf Tirangel

    If that isn’t at top priority, it might be a good idea to take the “_maximumNotificationCount” value out to the DB instead of hard-coding it.

    That way the user can set this value to whatever he wants.

  10. Tarun Kottary reporter

    @Assaf Tirangel That is a good idea too. I can add that to my local setup and test. I added an option to totally disable the alerts itself to user profile.

    I still need to figure on adding clear all notifications at one go during repeat failures.

  11. Assaf Tirangel

    @Tarun Kottary Clearing all message can be done using notifier.ClearMessages(new ClearAll());

    Not sure yet on the right way to integrate it into the Notification class as I think that the ClearMessage has to be called for the same notifier instance that issued the Notify command.

    To dive in to the notification mechanism, have a look at https://github.com/rafallopatka/ToastNotifications

  12. Tarun Kottary reporter

    you are awesome Stefan. I was not able to figure out how to invoke the notification class due to it being static.

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