Rotator setting "RETAINED"

Issue #368 closed
Ron Kramer created an issue

This is NEEDED BADLY. In framing - I can’t frame my rotation of my rectangular frame. (because I don’t know the angle of the camera). I have a rotator, but I can’t use it on my RASA 11. So the camera is “fixed”. (hmmmm it just hit me - maybe I should rotate it to 0 angle). ANYWAY… if not. (sometimes we can’t rotate a screwed on camera). I looked at my subs and set the rotation angle to match in the framing wizard. “THINKING” that it would be retained and each time I frame a new target it will default where I left it and I will see how to best frame for my current camera position.

It didn’t happen. It needs it. We often can’t rotate a camera and it ends up where the threads end. But I can on the rasa so I may go give it a 0 rotation to get by. I’m assuming of course that this is handled in stellarium (frame preview) and in NINA as the angle of the camera changes per RA and DEC. ??? So we can always see how our fixed camera will frame each new target?

Comments (3)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    You can retrieve your current camera rotation by plate solving an image in the image tab. there the orientation is displayed.

  2. Stefan B repo owner

    the latest nightly build offers a new button to grab the rotation from the camera by taking an image and solving it automatically

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