Inconsistent filter names in tool and info screen

Issue #374 invalid
Former user created an issue

The filter names / labels of Info and tools display is inconsistent. The filter number is displayed instead of filter name.Also filter name is not used for $$FILTER$$

Filter number is not sufficient. e.g. When shooting the same target, but I have to swap filters in the wheel because I have not enough slots, than filter number is not anymore unique.

Solution: Use names set in ASCOM driver (e.g. LUM, Ha, Hb, NII,...)

Comments (2)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    The filter name is taken out of options->Equipment->FilterWheel. You can sync the ascom names there too. Once the name is properly set the macro will replace it by the name as expected.

  2. Shlomi Vaknin

    I was about to report this “bug” as well, and found this. I guess this means its not very intuitive for uninitiated users.

    Perhaps a “Sync filter names” button on the filter wheel equipment pane, or even a message “To sync filter names see “options->Eq…” would be helpful for new users. Every user that has a filter wheel goes through this page, so it will be intuitive to use.

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