QHY600M file sizes

Issue #398 resolved
Frank Zoltowski created an issue

Image file sizes for the QHY600M are always 180Mg in size regardless of binning, read mode selection.

This was fine with version 1.9, but in the latest nightlies (1.10 035), there is a problem with the images from a QHY600M. Whether I use binning 1x1 or 2x2 the file sizes are about 180 Mb, vs what should be 120 mb for 1x1 and 30 Mb for 2x2. The FITS headers have the correct image size, but the rest of the files are NULL pixels about 33 million for the 1x1 and 79 million for the 2x2. These NULL pixels are used in the pixel statistics and a stretch of the 2x2 is white as a result. This may be a result of adding the image read mode option (Photgraphic DSO 16 bit, High Gain Mode 16 bit, and Extended Fullwell Mode) Even though Photgraphic DSO 16 bit is selected, it seems to treat the download as the extended fullwell mode, hence the 180Mb files.

This is repeatable.

Comments (3)

  1. Frank Zoltowski reporter

    HI Stephen,

    Thanks, But clearing this issue also seemed to create another #411. If I selected 2x2 binning with the 600M, NINA crashes…just disappears. This did not happen before this was fixed.


    Frank Z…

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