Use flat wizard configurations for adding a FLAT sequence

Issue #401 closed
Shlomi Vaknin created an issue

I tried to look around the docs, how to use flat wizard during a sequence. Currently I am using the flat wizard outside of the sequences, which puts the files in a directory that is different from the one I use for the imaging session. So I have to go back and move all the folders around manually.

The workflow I am thinking of is something like:

  1. Configure the flat wizard for all your filters
  2. Have a “Add to sequence” button, which will put in a dummy sequence that essentially just starts the flat wizard at that time, in the context of that sequence, followed by taking flat darks.

Does this makes sense?

Thanks, I love your software!


Comments (10)

  1. Dale Ghent

    Yes, we are aware of this want. It ties in with a larger project for redesigning the sequencing engine, the design of which is still being hashed out and we hope to begin work on it soon and when we are sure that the overall design is the course we want to take.

  2. Shlomi Vaknin reporter

    That’s wonderful, thank you! Is your design work public? Is there something we, the users, can review and give feedback on?

  3. Igor von Nyssen

    This is now available in the Nightlies if you have an Alnitak compatible flip-flat - would love to get some feedback. Basically use the flat wizard with the panel and take one flat per filter. Nina will remember the exposure time for the filter and gain you specified in the flat wizard. If these settings are used in a sequence it will use the exposure time it remembered, rather than the one that is specified in the sequence. There is an option on the flat device page to turn this behavior on and off.

  4. Shlomi Vaknin reporter

    Hi Igor, thank you so much for working on this! I do not have a compatible flip-flat unfortunately.. Just a DIY flat panel that I manually put on top when the time is right.

    Perhaps for such cases we could simply have a sequence option “manual flats” that will simply redirect to the flat wizard dialog. The biggest problem I am looking to solve using this is the context of the project - so the flats and darkflats will be saved in the proper folder structure rather than some general purpose directory. Could this work?

  5. Richard Horn

    Hi Igor, I DO have a flip-flat, and am setting up the flat settings using the wizard as I type this.

    That said, I also submitted a trouble report (to you) in support. nightly 049 will NOT recognize the device. I un-installed and am currently running 046 without issue.

    Let me know if I can be of assistance. I am NOT a coder, and haven't had a Windows PC in about 15 years until the purchase of my Eagle 3s recently, but with a bit of assistance I am sure I can plod along.

  6. Igor von Nyssen

    @Shlomi Vaknin I see so for the case you have in mind it is really about keeping the directory context so the flats end up in the correct spot, but otherwise the flat-wizard is the right approach? If so, would a good solution be to let you select a target from the currently loaded sequence in the flat wizard?

  7. Shlomi Vaknin reporter

    Hi Igor. Yes, that is a good approach!

    While you are at it (I can open another ticket if its better), when doing flats for multiple filters, can we also customize the gain for the different filters? Currently gain is dominated by the luminance filter requirements, but it makes flat exposures really long for narrowband filters.

  8. Stefan B repo owner

    flat wizard can be used to train exposures which then can be used in the sequencer with the trained flat exposure instructions

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