NINA - polish translation

Issue #405 closed
Andrzej Doroszenko created an issue

I would like to try to make a Polish translation. How to do it? Where to start?

Comments (16)

  1. astroguy pd

    Hello Andrzej,

    I just done so in french. “Fork” [Isbeorn/nina] project in your Bitbucket repository and clone this on your computer so that you can use develop branch to add your translation. In NINA project, you will find Locale directory where all the xms translation files are. Create a new branch from dev and make a copy of “Locale.xaml”, renaming it with the same format as the others to reflect your language. When your are done with your translations, after your push in your repo, use the “pull request” to [Isbeorn/nina] → develop so that Isbeonn can look at your work before integration.

    There is a tool in sub-project “NINALocaleManager” that you can use to verify if some labels are missing in your xml file as “develop” is growing fast.

    Hope this help.

  2. Simon Kapadia

    Wspaniale! Jakbyś miał jakieś pytania dotyczące np znaczenia poszczególnych zwrotów w kontekście, skontaktuj się ze mną przez discord lub napisz tutaj. Zazwyczaj tłumaczę tylko z Polskiego na mój język ojczysty (angielski), ale może gdzieś się przydam 🙂.

  3. Stefan B repo owner

    Locale.xaml is the base file yes and would be the correct code for polish.

    For russian the following codes are available:

    ru-RU Russian
    ru-BY Russian (Belarus)
    ru-KG Russian (Kyrgyzstan)
    ru-KZ Russian (Kazakhstan)
    ru-MD Russian (Moldova)
    ru-RU Russian (Russia)
    ru-UA Russian (Ukraine)

  4. Stefan B repo owner

    Due to the increasing requests for different languages I am currently looking for a translation management suite to make the process of translation a lot easier for people to contribute. Once I have found a good solution, I will update the docs to explain how the new process is done.

  5. Stefan B repo owner

    Quick update. @Andrzej Doroszenko - Localization is now as simple as ever with a new translation management software. You can now easily contribute the desired language at crowdin.

    The localization project can be found at:
    For a quick start, refer to our documentation at:

    In case you want to add another language that isn’t listed yet, feel free to contact me so i will include it into the available list of languages

  6. Andrzej Doroszenko reporter

    “Preferred Planetatium software“ - you mean “Preferred Planetarium software”

    Is this a typo?

  7. Andrzej Doroszenko reporter

    Hi, I have a question. Is it possible to add a PL translation to my local NINA installation to see how the translation is going? I could check if some phrases are too long.

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