Add dither to flat wizard

Issue #409 closed
Ezio Shaw created an issue

Flat wizard has no "dither" option when shooting flat frames. The flat frames I took in the twilight, with only 0.2 seconds of exposure, has shown a lot of stars. The stars barely moved, so they can't be eliminated by stacking.

I would appreciate it if this feature could be added.


Comments (5)

  1. Stanley Dimant

    The Flat Wizard as of now is not made for taking Sky Flats but to be used with a Flat Panel or similar light source

  2. Phillip

    Yes, it's super cool with flat box. But it may be a good function to add sky flats assistant to wizard. Just move the telescope some arcseconds between each flats. And also a "switch" to change flat box mode to sky flats mode.

  3. Stefan B repo owner

    it’s not trivial to just do sky flats mode instead, as the sky brightness changes between exposures and has to be considered correctly

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