NOT RESOLVED! Import coordinates from CdC with "/" character (ie 174P/Echeclus) leads to problems.

Issue #421 resolved
nickstarboy created an issue

So when imaging a comet, i find it in CdC, select it, and then import coordinates into NINA. Works perfectly, except that the '/' character causes confusion as it looks like a directory structure in the resultant filename.

Similarly, when importing coordinates to the framing assistant, an error is thrown up.

Best solution woudl be to just strip out the '/' or replace with a hyphen etc.

Comments (10)

  1. nickstarboy reporter

    not resolved! fixed for 174p/echeclus, but not fixed for c/2019 y4 - slash sign remains.

  2. nickstarboy reporter

    Ah! But when saving the sequence, it isnt.

    Sorry, I didnt realise that one time I was looking at filenames and another at saving sequences.

  3. nickstarboy reporter
    • changed status to open

    not resolved - problem messes up framing assistant (cant save image jpg). in this case a nearby star must be selected instead to avoid the / characetr

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