Platesolve in new target brings up previous image

Issue #433 closed
Former user created an issue

Hi. I use platesolve2 with good results but have found when I slew to a different target, the image showing is that of the previous target taken. I have to take an image and then platesolve again to show the correct and current target for solving. I prefer platesolve over astap. A great program I have to say!


Comments (2)

  1. Chris

    I have the same issue using a Lumix camera over wifi with ASCOM Lumix drivers and ATSAP as the silver. If I stop plate solving and start it again, the most recent image will be used first. I’ve tried deleting images from all directories I can find in Win10 64 pro (temp and appdata/local are the only 2 I could locate) in between plate solving, but the only solution I’ve found is to restart NINA.

    My guess is cache is not deleted and the last image loaded for plate solving remains when plate solving is stopped, and it is subsequently used in the next round.

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